As a student, what motivates me to learn is, first, a caring and energetic teacher. My first grade teacher was that type of teacher. She always had fun lessons and genuinely cared about each of us. It didn't matter what we were learning, she always made it fun and entertaining.
Another thing that motivates me to learn was the fact that I wanted to be a better person and increase my knowledge. When I was in Elementary School, I wanted to be able to come home and tell my parents, "Look what I learned in school today!". I always wanted my parents to be proud of me and I didn't want to let them down.
The last thing that motivates me to learn is to be able to teach what I have learned to others. I want to be able to master the materials as best as I can so I can eventually teach it to students. I believe teaching is a wonderful thing that is almost like a "calling" in life. To me, those that are excellent teachers are also excellent motivators.
I agree, a teacher who genuinely cares about each students is a huge motivator.