Friday, October 8, 2010

Teaching Artist Statements

Artist statements can be hard to teach to children.  An artist statement basically tells what the artist was thinking or feeling as well as explaining the piece of art at the same time.  Some of the questions that might be answered in an artists statement is:

  • Why do you like to make art?
  • What subjects do you prefer? Why?
  • What processes and techniques do you use? Why?
  • How is your work different from others?
  • What do you see in your artwork?
  • What do other people say they see?
  • What are your goals and aspirations as an artist?
  • Who or what inspires you?
(Nita Leland, Writing An Artist's Statement, 2000)

These statements are generally found near the piece when it is hanging in an exhibit.  Teaching children about artist statements can be a tricky thing to do without having them actually doing it, so I think the best way to teach an artist's statement is to actually have the students' write one.

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