Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is art?

Art is a tricky word to define.  To every person, art has a different meaning.  To some it might be a way to express emotions, thoughts, feelings, or even as a way to say things that cannot be said vocally.  However, every form of art has three main things: line, shape, and color.  Not every artist uses these three things in ways that are pleasing to every person who views their art.  Sometimes art is not pleasing both visually as well as emotionally, and by definition, it doesn't have to be.  Art can be anything!  A skein of yarn thrown around a room, for example, can be considered art.  To me, art is something visual or tactile that expresses an emotion, whether it be happiness, fear, anger, distress, sorrow, or even pain.  It doesn't necessarily have to look like something or even resemble anything, it just needs to be visual and have some form of color, shape, and line incorporated into the piece.

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