Thursday, December 9, 2010


This was my favorite project!  We were to create a batik, which is pretty much a controlled dye.  We used squirt bottles filled with a flour/water paste to create lines and then we used tempura paint to fill in with color.  This is how mine turned out (it wasn't supposed to turn grayish, but it did).

Monday, December 6, 2010

Map project with artist statement

This assignment was assigned to us while we were at the University's museum of art.  We were to create a map about ourselves and write an artists statement.  I chose to write random facts about me in different styles on the front and a very condensed timeline of me on the back.  I chose to color each square a different color so as to illustrate how I am random and sometimes unpredictable.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Ok, I lied.  The pots were my favorite assignment.  We were to create a coil and a pinch pot.  After they were fired once, we glazed them and fired them again.  I put some marbles in the bottom of mine and they turned out awesome!


Another style of art is computer art.  We were to create a building using an element from Greek architecture, such as a pediment or columns.  This is how my building turned out.
P.S. Keep in mind that this program was not easy for me and it is a lot better in my head, just ask.


Our assignment was to create a 3D animal from animal.  Sounds easy, right?  Wrong.  There was one catch: everyone had a disability.  Some of my classmates were blind, deaf, motor skill challenged, or ESL (which I was one of).  Our teacher had us go out in the hall while the rest of the class was getting the directions.  After a few minutes, she invited us back in and gave us the instructions in ASL, which were, oh so confusing!  I have to admit, we didn't understand the majority of the directions given so we had to figure out what was going on by watching our classmates.  This is what my "animal" was.  P.S. It's a butterfly in case you can't tell.

Scratch Board

This was my second favorite assignment.  This project took a little bit of preparation.  We were to use heavy paper and color on it rather thickly with crayons any way we wanted.  Then we were to paint over the crayons with black paint with a little bit of dish soap added.  Once it dried, we were to scratch the alphabet in it as well as put texture in it, without lifting up our pencil.

African Masks-My Version

This assignment was perhaps the best assignment all year!  We made masks out of a milk jug and shoe polish.  This is how mine turned out.